Whatsapp FCRA Advisory and Compliance | ThinkCap Advisors
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Why choose us for FCRA Advisory and Compliance?

Compliance with FCRA may become overwhelming for charities on account of stringent regulations, limited guidance available in this area, and rigorous measures adopted by the authorities. To ensure that a charity operates seamlessly and achieves the desired impact, it needs an FCRA advisory and compliance expert by its side who can provide in-depth insight on various FCRA requirements.

Our consultants part of the FCRA advisory and compliance team have extensive experience in handling the gamut of issues arising under FCRA. Our clientele includes both foreign and domestic non-profits operating in different thematic areas.


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Let's Connect To Discuss Your Requirements

Advising on applicability of FCRA to a transaction

Preparation of applications for obtaining prior permission/permanent registration

Preparation & filing of periodic/annual returns

Providing support in audit proceedings under FCRA

Assistance in condonation proceedings on account of any default/delay in compliance

Support in relation to notices/queries raised by MHA around foreign transactions

Voluntary surrender of FCRA approval & related filings

Voluntary surrender of FCRA approval & related filings

Advice on accounting treatment of assets procured from foreign funds

Our Key FCRA Advisory and
Compliance Services

Let's get in touch


The Answers You Need

FCRA regulates acceptance and utilisation of foreign funds received by organizations who undertake charitable activities in India. The objective of the law is to prohibit activities detrimental to the national interest and connected matters.

What Is FCRA?

Any person who undertakes charitable activities (cultural, economic, educational, religious or social) and intends to accept foreign funds whether from within India or outside India.

Who is required to file FCRA?

An FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) Checklist is a list of requirements and documents that an organization needs to comply with the FCRA regulations in India. It typically includes items such as registration certificates, bank account details, annual returns, and other relevant documents required for FCRA compliance.

What is an FCRA Checklist?

Non-compliance with FCRA regulations can result in penalty and prosecution.

Why is it important to comply with FCRA regulations? 

Ministry of Home Affairs handles FCRA regulation and matters in India.

Which ministry handles FCRA?

  • Provides access to global funds.

  • Provides opportunity to work with international non-profits. This results in capacity building, provides access to new methodologies and international practices which increases effectiveness of programs.

  • Instils confidence in domestic donors as NGO is verified by MHA.

Why FCRA registration is important?

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FCRA Advisory and Compliance

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